Monday, November 11, 2013

Review: New Dot Winter Makeup Collection

At last, some new neutral makeup in the Starplaza, 
did it really have to take 2 years to make this happen? 

For the first time in 2 years Stardoll finally get's it right! I approve baby!

I've been waiting forever for a fall, muted or neutral color palette release! Earth tones are a must have, and frankly all of those pastels and neons they were releasing so many times in a row are sickening and childish. 
 If you're a aware of makeup trends, you'd understand why SD released so many pastels, neons, and bright makeup prior to this collection. Pastels were all the rage for months and now dark lips and grunge & punk revival colors are taking over again. Also, it's been a while since they released neutral colors, and now that autumn is here and winter is coming, seasons change and so do trends. 

I like to buy the eyeshadows first and then save the rest for a sale, but makeup sales take months to happen. I feel ilke SD was going to release colors for fall, since they have more of an autumn and october feel to them than they do winter, and they probably just stamped winter on it. When I think winter I think more gold, reds, greens, and silvers, whites, or metallics. I really hope they release more browns, and neutral earth tones.

Will I be buying? Of course! Consider this my seal of approval Stardoll! 

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